🚩 Get Intimate - TRUST-able #28 - Jan/Feb 2024
Practical suggestions and ideas on how to build deeper trust through intimacy and personal outreach
Hello, welcome to this new edition of TRUST-able focusing on providing you with practical suggestions and ideas on how to build deeper trust with customers and prospective ones.
The focus of this issue is on one of the three key positive elements of the trust equation formula: intimacy.

Intimacy is the most powerful and underestimated factor that business should invest in to grow their trustworthiness.
Though the word “intimacy” sounds familiar, we hardly associate it with business activities and we tend to connect it to the world of personal, sentimental relationships.
While businesses focus and get better by the day at building higher visibility (SEO) and authority (branding) they are still trailing in building deeper trust with their customers and prospective ones.
Building intimacy with clients and prospects is crucial for long-term business success, as it fosters trust, loyalty, and better understanding of customer needs, and it offers a unique opportunity to differentiate your business from your key competitors.
In this issue:
How to build deeper trust through intimacy.
In person (Free part)
At-a-distance (Premium part)
Obstacles To Building Intimacy
Why entrepreneurs do not invest more in building trust with their customers?
Why so many businesses skip altogether paying attention to the factor that has the most impact over developing fruitful and profitable long-term business relationships?
Here’s why.
The three major obstacles preventing businesses from investing more in building trusted relationships through intimacy are:
Concentration on cashing in rapidly and on acquiring new clients at the expense of nurturing existing relationships. “We want to make money and we want to make it now” is the default mantra of most entrepreneurs.
Lack of appreciation and understanding of the value of building intimacy with their customers.
Focus on building trust via reliability and credibility than by intimacy (though intimacy is comparatively much more powerful than the other two). Entrepreneurs do so because reliability is relatively easy to attain by making and fulfilling a series of small promises.
Big Opportunity

We often expect that most of our sales result from a bunch of tactics based on ranking on Google through a thousand heartless SEO tricks, via paid ads and via social media media pushing.
How do you think this is a way to gain trust from others?
It ain’t one.
Trusted relationships require true, genuine, personal dedication and a willingness to get personal and intimate with both customers and prospects.
Getting intimate can be hard or even impossible to automate and scale.
The major obstacle in getting intimate is on one hand the lack of understanding of its true value and benefits, and on the other, a general tendency to believe that it is too time consuming and distracting from the mandatory focus on immediate results.
But what on one side may look as a problem, always looks as an opportunity on the other.
If everyone is focusing on short-term results and on superficial-artificial-automated relationships, anyone who strongly focuses on deep-trust relationships may see, over time, some very tangible advantages and benefits.
That’s where the great opportunity is.
Most of your competitors are relying heavily on automated, technology-driven communications and marketing tactics, while neglecting personal and human touchpoints.
Very few entrepreneurs believe that it is worth to dedicate personal time to such an endeavor unless the company has only a few tens of clients.
It’s almost cliche to be ‘customer-focused' or ‘client-focused’ but people will sense when you’re going through the motions to make more money. Instead, practice opening yourself to empathy by being truly present, without distractions, and authentically responding to what people are saying and feeling.
A strategic shift toward a longer-term mindset, with a high focus on building long-term trust rather than focusing exclusively on immediate sales, can help businesses foster much more fruitful, reciprocally satisfying, meaningful, long-lasting and profitable relationships with their clients.
How To Nurture Intimacy
First thing is to separate this activity into two parts:
a) Getting Intimate in Person
Getting intimate with the people you meet and see physically.
b) Getting Intimate at-a-Distance (Premium section)
Getting intimate with clients and prospects at-a-distance by individually reaching out to past clients, leads and contacts for whom you have already done something positive or who have signaled/ expressed an interest for your opinion and for your services and products.
Get Intimate In Person
How we behave, especially when we communicate, determines the level of intimacy we can achieve inside a growing relationship.
In my experience, the behaviors that are most conductive to getting intimate with another person include:
Greeting by name
This is very powerful and effective. Learn to memorize first names and always greet your contacts by using their name.
Showing Genuine Interest (for the other person)
Curiosity - Asking questions - Getting to know them deeper
.Knowing the Other
Being aware of where they come from / what their key interests are
Knowing their story, context and personal passions
Knowing the names of their kids, pets, partners, etc.
.Deep Listening
Helping others feel “understood, accepted, and cared for” through reflective, empathic listening.
.Being Direct
Communicating with them in direct and informal ways
Using “I and You” - avoiding too formal expressions
.Being Courteous
Treating them with care and attention
.Giving Special Consideration
Acting in their interest, even when they are not there
.Anticipating Needs
Getting know what they need and what makes them comfortable
.Being Honest
Showing transparency and openness
Not hiding, not withholding valuable information
.Being Vulnerable
Having the courage to show or expose your weak sides, errors, limitations
.Asking for Feedback
Requesting critical comments on your ideas, proposals, work
You show trust in their viewpoint
.Being Playful
Being ironic, outgoing
Providing an entertaining side, capable of looking at issues and problems without being too serious
Giving unexpected presents, surprises(that cost you nothing, but which are perceived as highly valuable)
10 ideas / examples of unexpected presents
PDFs, presentations
Recordings of interviews
Good work you have produced in the past
Special access to something not available online
A playlist / compilation tailored to their taste
List of tools you use for something specific with your personal descriptions
List of resources you have created
Old course you are not selling anymore (with warnings)
5-min checkup of their work
List of newsletters you subscribe to (your sources)
Synthesis: The more I think about it, and the more it looks evident to me: to nurture intimacy you need to truly, genuinely care for the other person. There’s no way of faking it. Either you are truly interested in “the other”, or there is no way to build such intimacy.
All you need to build deep trusted relationships, is love.